The origin and cultivation of the coffee make a significant contribution to the taste experience in the cup later on. The green coffee that makes the premium Alps Coffee blends comes from selected coffee producers from 17 different countries located in the so-called Coffee Belt around the equator, between the 23rd parallel north and the 25th parallel south. The special climate, careful harvesting and gentle processing give the coffee its uniquely aromatic flavour.
Did you know?
Robusta beans contain up to three times as much caffeine as Arabica beans.

Did you know?
Robusta beans contain up to three times as much caffeine as Arabica beans.
Coffea arabica – the popular Arabica bean originally comes from Ethiopia. Its share of world production stands at around 70%. Arabica plants grow best at higher altitudes between 800 and 2,200 metres above sea level. They need regular water and are sensitive to drought, persistent rainfall, wind and cold. On the palate Arabica coffee impresses with its fine and fruity notes and is also light and extremely nuanced in terms of flavour.

Coffea canephora – as the name indicates, the Robusta plant is more durable and resistant than the Arabica plant. Pests and temperature fluctuations have barely any impact on it. In comparison to the Arabica bean, the Robusta bean grows more quickly and flourishes at lower elevations of up to 800 metres above sea level. Its home is West Africa and the tropical areas of Asia; its flavour is earthy, rugged and slightly bitter.
Did you know?
Contrary to popular opinion, the Robusta bean should not always be equated with lower quality. In an espresso, for example, alongside the lovely crema, it also conjures up the powerful, full-bodied flavour.

Did you know?
Contrary to popular opinion, the Robusta bean should not always be equated with lower quality. In an espresso, for example, alongside the lovely crema, it also conjures up the powerful, full-bodied flavour.
In order to transform select green coffee into perfectly flavoursome blends, a wide variety of factors need to interact in harmony. These include the origin, growing conditions, varieties, roasting and technical expertise. Judging the product in its raw condition, precisely tailoring the roasting process to this, composing the finest aromatic symphonies from the individual varieties - creating truly good coffee is a special skill that the Schreyögg Coffee Roasting Company has perfected in detail over decades of experience.